oxc_ast 0.25.0

A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust.
# Oxc AST Abstract Syntax Tree nodes for Oxc. Supports both TypeScript and JavaScript. This is almost similar to [estree](https://github.com/estree/estree) except a few places: * `Identifier` is replaced with explicit [`BindingIdentifier`], [`IdentifierReference`], [`IdentifierName`] per spec * `AssignmentExpression`.`left` `Pattern` is replaced with [`AssignmentTarget`] ## Parsing You can obtain an AST by parsing source code with a [`Parser`] from [`oxc_parser`]. ## Cargo Features * `"serde"` enables support for serde serialization [`BindingIdentifier`]: ast::BindingIdentifier [`IdentifierReference`]: ast::IdentifierReference [`IdentifierName`]: ast::IdentifierName [`AssignmentTarget`]: ast::AssignmentTarget [`oxc_parser`]: [`Parser`]: